Universal College of Beauty Inc-Los Angeles 1 is a higher education institution located in Los Angeles County, CA. In 2016, the most popular 1 to 2 Year Postsecondary Certificate concentrations at Universal College of Beauty Inc-Los Angeles 1 were General Cosmetology (2 degrees awarded).
After taking grants and loans into account, the average net price for students is $8,183.
In 2016, 62% of undergraduate students attending Universal College of Beauty Inc-Los Angeles 1 received financial aid through grants. Comparatively, 71% of undergraduate students received financial aid through loans.
In 2016 Universal College of Beauty Inc-Los Angeles 1 had an average net price — the price paid after factoring in grants and loans — of $8,183. Between 2015 and 2016, the average net price of Universal College of Beauty Inc-Los Angeles 1 grew by 20.1%.
This chart compares the average net price of Universal College of Beauty Inc-Los Angeles 1 (in red) with that of other similar universities.
Average net price is calculated from full-time beginning undergraduate students who were awarded a grant or scholarship from federal, state or local governments, or the institution.
Undergraduates Receiving Financial Aid through Grants
Undergraduates Receiving Financial Aid through Loans
62% of undergraduate students at Universal College of Beauty Inc-Los Angeles 1 received financial aid through grants or loans in 2016. This represents a growth of 5.08% with respect to 2015, when 59% of undergraduate students received financial aid.
This chart compares the average award discount at Universal College of Beauty Inc-Los Angeles 1 (in red) with that of other similar universities.
The average award discount is the ratio between the average grant or scholarship value, and the cost, which is the sum of out-of-state tuition, room, board, book, supplies, and other expenses.
Universal College of Beauty Inc-Los Angeles 1 had a total enrollment of 25 students in 2016. The full-time enrollment at Universal College of Beauty Inc-Los Angeles 1 is 12 students and the part-time enrollment is 13. This means that 48% of students enrolled at Universal College of Beauty Inc-Los Angeles 1 are enrolled full-time.
The enrolled student population at Universal College of Beauty Inc-Los Angeles 1, both undergraduate and graduate, is 48% White, 24% Hispanic or Latino, 16% Black or African American, 4% Two or More Races, and 4% Asian.
Students enrolled at Universal College of Beauty Inc-Los Angeles 1 in full-time Undergraduate programs are most commonly White Female (25%), followed by Black or African American Male (16.7%) and Hispanic or Latino Male (16.7%).
The total enrollment at Universal College of Beauty Inc-Los Angeles 1 in 2016, both undergraduate and graduate, is 25 students. The full-time enrollment at Universal College of Beauty Inc-Los Angeles 1 is 12 and the part-time enrollment is 13.
This chart shows the full-time vs part-time enrollment status at Universal College of Beauty Inc-Los Angeles 1 (in red) compares to similar universities.
Retention rate measures the number of first-time students who began their studies the previous fall and returned to school the following fall. The retention rate for full-time undergraduates at Universal College of Beauty Inc-Los Angeles 1 was 100%.
This chart shows the retention rate over time at Universal College of Beauty Inc-Los Angeles 1 (highlighted in red) compares to similar universities.
The enrolled student population at Universal College of Beauty Inc-Los Angeles 1 is 48% White, 24% Hispanic or Latino, 16% Black or African American, 4% Two or More Races, and 4% Asian. This includes both full-time and part-time students as well as graduate and undergraduates.
Any student who is studying in the United States on a temporary basis is categorized as a "Non-Resident Alien", and the share of those students are shown in the chart below. Additionally, 0 students (0%) did not report their race.
The most common 1 to 2 Year Postsecondary Certificate concentration at Universal College of Beauty Inc-Los Angeles 1 is General Cosmetology (2 degrees awarded).
IPEDS uses the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) standard, so the categories may not match the exact concentrations offered by Universal College of Beauty Inc-Los Angeles 1.
Most Common (N/A)
N/A degrees awarded
In N/A, the most common < 1 year postsecondary certificate concentration at Universal College of Beauty Inc-Los Angeles 1 was N/A with N/A degrees awarded.
This visualization illustrates the percentage of degree-majors recipients from < 1 year postsecondary certificate programs at Universal College of Beauty Inc-Los Angeles 1 according to their major.
In 2016, N/A% of students graduating from Universal College of Beauty Inc-Los Angeles 1 completed their program within 100% "normal time" (i.e. 4 years for a 4-year degree). Comparatively, N/A% completed their degrees within 150% of the normal time, and 1% within 200%.
The following chart shows these completion rates over time compared to the average for the Carnegie Classification group.
Graduation rate is defined as the percentage of full-time, first-time students who received a degree or award within a specific percentage of "normal time" to completion for their program.
The most common race/ethnicity and sex grouping at Universal College of Beauty Inc-Los Angeles 1 is black or african american female (3 degrees awarded). There were 3 times more black or african american female recipients than the next closest race/ethnicity group, black or african american male (1 degrees).