San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA

Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA)

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2022 Population
2.72% 1-year decline
US Senator
Alex Padilla
Democratic Party
US Senator
Laphonza Butler
Democratic Party
2022 Median Age
1.37% 1-year increase
2022 Poverty Rate
1.79% 1-year increase
2022 Median Household Income
8.3% 1-year growth
2022 Median Property Value
18.8% 1-year growth
2022 Employed Population
2.4% 1-year decline


In 2022, San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA had a population of 162k people with a median age of 37.1 and a median household income of $113,655. Between 2021 and 2022 the population of San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA declined from 166,881 to 162,349, a −2.72% decrease and its median household income grew from $104,946 to $113,655, a 8.3% increase.

The 5 largest ethnic groups in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA are White (Non-Hispanic) (71.7%), White (Hispanic) (6.68%), Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (5.39%), Two+ (Hispanic) (4.64%), and Asian (Non-Hispanic) (4.51%).

None of the households in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA reported speaking a non-English language at home as their primary shared language. This does not consider the potential multi-lingual nature of households, but only the primary self-reported language spoken by all members of the household.

95.7% of the residents in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA are U.S. citizens.

In 2022, the median property value in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA was $1.41M, and the homeownership rate was 44.1%.

Most people in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA drove alone to work, and the average commute time was 23 minutes. The average car ownership in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA was 2 cars per household.

San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA borders Orange County (Northwest)--Huntington Beach City PUMA, CA, Orange County (Southwest)--San Clemente, Laguna Niguel & San Juan Capistrano Cities PUMA, CA, San Diego County (Northwest)--Oceanside City & Camp Pendleton PUMA, CA, San Diego County (West Central)--San Diego City (Northwest/Del Mar Mesa) PUMA, CA, San Diego County (Central)--San Diego City (Central/Mira Mesa & University Heights) PUMA, CA, San Diego County (West Central)--San Diego City (Central/Clairemont & Kearny Mesa) PUMA, CA, San Diego County (South Central)--San Diego City (Central/Centre City & Balboa Park) PUMA, CA, San Diego County (South)--San Diego City (South/Otay Mesa & South Bay) PUMA, CA, San Diego County (Northwest)--Carlsbad City PUMA, CA, San Diego County (West)--San Diego (Northwest/San Dieguito) & Encinitas Cities PUMA, CA, and San Diego County (Southwest)--Chula Vista (West) & National City Cities PUMA, CA.

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Population & Diversity

San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA is home to a population of 162k people, from which 95.7% are citizens. As of 2022, 11.3% of San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA residents were born outside of the country (18.3k people).

In 2022, there were 10.7 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (116k people) in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA than any other race or ethnicity. There were 10.8k White (Hispanic) and 8.75k Two+ (Non-Hispanic) residents, the second and third most common ethnic groups.

Residents by Gender and Age


The resident population of United States in 2022 was 162,525 inhabitants, with 53.9% men, and 46.1% women.

The visualization shows the distribution of the residents by gender and age in the United States.

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2022 Citizenship
2021 Citizenship

As of 2022, 95.7% of San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA residents were US citizens, which is higher than the national average of 93.5%. In 2021, the percentage of US citizens in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA was 95.2%, meaning that the rate of citizenship has been increasing.

The following chart shows US citizenship percentages in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA compared to that of it's neighboring and parent geographies.

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Race and Ethnicity

The 3 largest ethnic groups in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA
  1. White (Non-Hispanic)
    116k ± 2.65k
  2. White (Hispanic)
    10.8k ± 1.12k
  3. Two+ (Non-Hispanic)
    8.75k ± 1.06k
Hispanic Population
24.7k people

In 2022, there were 10.7 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (116k people) in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA than any other race or ethnicity. There were 10.8k White (Hispanic) and 8.75k Two+ (Non-Hispanic) residents, the second and third most common ethnic groups.

15.2% of the people in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA are hispanic (24.7k people).

The following chart shows the 7 races represented in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA as a share of the total population.

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Global Diversity

Most Common Origin
  1. Mexico
    3,090 ± 1,352 people
  2. Brazil
    1,385 ± 910 people
  3. Canada
    975 ± 764 people

In 2022, the most common birthplace for the foreign-born residents of San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA was Mexico, the natal country of 3,090 San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA residents, followed by Brazil with 1,385 and Canada with 975.

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Foreign-Born Population

2022 Foreign-Born Population
18.3k people
2021 Foreign-Born Population
20.3k people

As of 2022, 11.3% of San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA residents (18.3k people) were born outside of the United States, which is approximately the same as the national average of NaNk%. In 2021, the percentage of foreign-born citizens in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA was 12.2%, meaning that the rate has been decreasing.

The following chart shows the percentage of foreign-born residents in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA compared to that of it's neighboring and parent geographies.

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Most Common Service Period
  1. Gulf War (2001-)
    3,654 ± 573
  2. Vietnam
    3,210 ± 687
  3. Gulf War (1990s)
    1,309 ± 454

San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA has a large population of military personnel who served in Gulf War (2001-), 1.14 times greater than any other conflict.

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The economy of San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA employs 86.8k people. The largest industries in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA are , and the highest paying industries are .

Males in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA have an average income that is 1.17 times higher than the average income of females, which is $93,415. The income inequality in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA (measured using the Gini index) is 0.497, which is higher than than the national average.

Workforce Diversity


The workforce of San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA in 2020 was 92,244 people, with 42.1% woman, and 57.9% men.

The visualization shows the distribution of the workforce by gender and age in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA.

With the upper buttons you can see the distribution of the average salary and add a filter by race.

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2022 Value
1 Year decline
± −2.4%

From 2021 to 2022, employment in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA declined at a rate of −2.4%, from 89k employees to 86.8k employees.

The most common job groups, by number of people living in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA, are . This chart illustrates the share breakdown of the primary jobs held by residents of San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA.

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Unemployment Insurance Claims

Data is only available at the state level. Showing data for false.

This chart shows weekly unemployment insurance claims in California (not-seasonally adjusted) compared with the four states with the most similar impact.

The most recent data point uses Advance State Claims data, which can be revised in subsequent weeks.

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Employment by Industries

2022 Value
1 Year decline
± −2.4%

From 2021 to 2022, employment in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA declined at a rate of −2.4%, from 89k employees to 86.8k employees.

The most common employment sectors for those who live in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA, are . This chart shows the share breakdown of the primary industries for residents of San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA, though some of these residents may live in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA and work somewhere else. Census data is tagged to a residential address, not a work address.

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Employment by Industry Sector

Data is only available at the state level. Showing data for California.
Year-over-year growth
Employment change between February 2022 and February 2023

As of February 2023, there are 17.9M people employed in California. This represents a 2.57% increase in employment when compared to February 2022.

Right after the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, during April 2020, a general dip can be seen across industry sectors, resulting in an overall decline in employment by 14%.

The following chart shows monthly employment numbers for each industry sector in California.

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In the 2020 presidential election, the popular vote in California went to Joseph R Biden Jr. with 63.5% of the vote. The runner-up was Donald J. Trump (34.3%), followed by Jo Jorgensen (1.07%).

Alex Padilla and Laphonza Butler are the senators currently representing the state of California. In the United States, senators are elected to 6-year terms with the terms for individual senators staggered.

California is currently represented by 52 members in the U.S. house, and members of the House of Representives are elected to 2-year terms.

US Senators from California

Senatorial voting results are only available at the state level. Showing data for California.
Alex Padilla
Senator from California3
Assumed office on January 20, 2021
Appointed to the seat following the resignation of Kamala Harris, who had become Vice President of the United States.
Laphonza Butler
Senator from California1
Assumed office on October 3, 2023
Appointed to the seat following the death of Dianne Feinstein.

Alex Padilla and Laphonza Butler are the senators currently representing California.

In the United States, senators are elected to 6-year terms with the terms for individual senators staggered.

The following chart shows elected senators in California over time, excluding special elections, colored by their political party.

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US Representatives from California

California is currently represented by 52 members in the U.S. house.

Members of the House of Representives are elected to 2-year terms, and the following chart shows the how the members for California have changed over time starting in 2008.

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In 2022, universities in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA awarded 1,388 degrees. The student population of San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA in 2022 is skewed towards women, with 1,502 male students and 2,925 female students.

The median tuition cost in N/A for private four year colleges is $40,400.

Applicants, Admissions & Enrolled


In 2022 in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA, the percentage of applicants admitted was 81.9%, while the percentage of admitted who enrolled was 26.7%. The number of students enrolled in N/A was N/A (N/A% men and N/A% women).

The line chart  shows the evolution of the percentage of applicants admitted, admitted who enrolled or the number of students enrolled according to the option selected in the upper button.

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Awarded Degrees over Time

The graph shows the evolution of awarded degrees by degrees. Under the paragraphs, the average number of awarded degrees by university in each degree is shown.

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Average Net Price by Sector


Private not-for-profit, 4-year or above ($40,400) is the sector with the highest median state tuition in 2022.

Private not-for-profit, 4-year or above ($700) is the sector with the highest median state fee in 2022.

Private not-for-profit, 4-year or above ($1,126) is the sector with the highest average net price of books and supplies.

The graph shows the average net price by sector and year.

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Educational Pyramid


In false, 0% of men over 25 years of age had not completed any academic degree (no schooling), while 0% of women were in the same situation.

This visualization shows the gender distribution of the population according to the academic level reached.

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Educational Attainment

The most common educational levels obtained by the working population of San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA in false were N/A.

This visualization illustrates the percentage distribution of the population according to the highest educational level reached. You can filter the data by race by using the selector above.

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Housing & Living

The median property value in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA was $1.41M in 2022, which is 5 times larger than the national average of $281,900. Between 2021 and 2022 the median property value increased from $1.19M to $1.41M, a 18.8% increase. The homeownership rate in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA is 44.1%, which is approximately the same as the national average of 64.8%.

People in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA have an average commute time of 23 minutes, and they drove alone to work. Car ownership in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA is approximately the same as the national average, with an average of 2 cars per household.


Median Property Value 2022
Median Property Taxes

The following chart display owner-occupied housing units distributed between a series of property tax buckets compared to the national averages for each bucket. In San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA the largest share of households pay taxes in the N/A range.

The chart underneath the paragraph shows the property taxes in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA compared to it's parent and neighbor geographies.

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Rent vs Own

Homeowners with Mortgage

In 2022, 44.1% of the housing units in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA were occupied by their owner. This percentage declined from the previous year's rate of 44.3%.

This chart shows the percentage of owner in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA compared it's parent and neighboring geographies.

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Income by Location

Use the dropdown to filter by race/ethnicity.

The following map shows all of the PUMAs in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA colored by their Median Household Income (N/A).

Error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'label')

Household Income

Please note that the buckets used in this visualization were not evenly distributed by ACS when publishing the data.
Median Household Income
± $3,474
Number of Households
± 2,068

In 2022, the median household income of the 69.4k households in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA grew to $113,655 from the previous year's value of $104,946.

The following chart displays the households in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA distributed between a series of income buckets compared to the national averages for each bucket. The largest share of households have an income in the $200k+ range.

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Wage Distribution

2022 Wage GINI in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA
2021 Wage GINI in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA

In 2022, the income inequality in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA was 0.497 according to the GINI calculation of the wage distribution. Income inequality had a 1.23% decline from 2021 to 2022, which means that wage distribution grew somewhat more even. The GINI for San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA was higher than than the national average of 0.478. In other words, wages are distributed less evenly in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA in comparison to the national average.

This chart shows the number of workers in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA across various wage buckets compared to the national average.

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Commuter Transportation

Most Common Commute in 2022
  1. Drove Alone (58.9%)
  2. Worked At Home (23.4%)
  3. Walked (6.09%)

In 2022, 58.9% of workers in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA drove alone to work, followed by those who worked at home (23.4%) and those who walked to work (6.09%).

The following chart shows the number of households using each mode of transportation over time, using a logarithmic scale on the y-axis to help better show variations in the smaller means of commuting.

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Commute Time

23 minutes
Average Travel Time

Using averages, employees in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA have a shorter commute time (23 minutes) than the normal US worker (26.7 minutes). Additionally, 1.83% of the workforce in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA have "super commutes" in excess of 90 minutes.

The chart below shows how the median household income in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA compares to that of it's neighboring and parent geographies.

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Car Ownership

2 cars
Average Number

The following chart displays the households in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA distributed between a series of car ownership buckets compared to the national averages for each bucket. The largest share of households in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA have 2 cars.

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Poverty & Diversity

8.02% of the population for whom poverty status is determined in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA (12.2k out of 152k people) live below the poverty line, a number that is approximately the same as the national average of N/A%. The largest demographic living in poverty are Females 25 - 34, followed by Females 18 - 24 and then Males 25 - 34.

The most common racial or ethnic group living below the poverty line in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA is White, followed by Hispanic and Two Or More.

The Census Bureau uses a set of money income thresholds that vary by family size and composition to determine who classifies as impoverished. If a family's total income is less than the family's threshold than that family and every individual in it is considered to be living in poverty.

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94.5% of the population of San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA has health coverage, with 48.7% on employee plans, 6.64% on Medicaid, 13.3% on Medicare, 20.9% on non-group plans, and 4.94% on military or VA plans.

Primary care physicians in California see 1234 patients per year on average, which represents a 0.484% decrease from the previous year (1240 patients). Compare this to dentists who see 1102 patients per year, and mental health providers who see 236 patients per year.

Patient to Clinician Ratios

Data is only available at the state level. Showing data for California.
1,234 to 1
Patient to Primary Care Physician Ratio in California

Primary care physicians in California see an average of 1,234 patients per year. This represents a 0.484% decrease from the previous year (1,240 patients).

The following chart shows how the number of patients seen by primary care physicians has been changing over time in California in comparison to its neighboring geographies.

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Health Care Diversity

In 2022, insured persons according to age ranges were distributed in 17% under 18 years, 27.2% between 18 and 34 years, 37.1% between 35 and 64 years, and 18.7% over 64 years.

By gender, of the total number of insured persons, 50.3% were men and 49.7% were women.

The following chart shows the number of people with health coverage by gender.

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Uninsured People

Employer Coverage
Military or VA

Between 2021 and 2022, the percent of uninsured citizens in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA grew by 4.5% from 5.26% to 5.5%.

The following chart shows how the percent of uninsured individuals in San Diego County (West)--San Diego City (Southwest/Central Coastal) PUMA, CA changed over time compared with the percent of individuals enrolled in various types of health insurance.

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