In 2022, the locations with the highest concentration of Registered Nursing degree recipients are Minneapolis, MN, Addison, IL, and Millcreek, UT. The most common degree awarded to students studying Registered Nursing is a bachelors degree.
Registered Nursing
In 2022, the locations with the highest concentration of Registered Nursing degree recipients are Minneapolis, MN, Addison, IL, and Millcreek, UT. The most common degree awarded to students studying Registered Nursing is a bachelors degree.
Information about the types of higher education institutions that grant degrees in Registered Nursing and the types of students that study this field. Chamberlain University-Illinois awards the most degrees in Registered Nursing in the US, but West Coast University-Los Angeles and West Coast University-Ontario have the highest percentage of degrees awarded in Registered Nursing.
Tuition costs for Registered Nursing majors are, on average, $6,464 for in-state public colleges, and $31,940 for out of state private colleges.
The most common sector, by number of institutions, that offers Registered Nursing programs are false institutions (N/A total). The most common sector, by number of degrees awarded, is Public, 4-year or above (97,052 completions).
The most common sector, by number of degrees awarded in Registered Nursing, is Public, 4-year or above (97,052 completions in 2022).
The following chart shows the share of universities that offer Registered Nursing programs, by the total number of completions, colored and grouped by their sector.
Chamberlain University-Illinois has the most Registered Nursing degree recipients, with 8,789 degrees awarded in 2022.
The following bar chart shows the state tuition for the top 5 institutions with the most degrees awarded in Registered Nursing.
Out of all institutions that offer Registered Nursing programs and have at least 5 graduates in those programs, West Coast University-Los Angeles has the highest percentage of degrees awarded in Registered Nursing, with 100%.
This map shows the counties in the United States colored by the highest number of degrees awarded in Registered Nursing by year.
This map shows the counties in the United States colored by the highest growth in degrees awarded for Registered Nursing.
Demographic information for those who earn a degree in in the United States.
The most common degree type these workers hold is a Bachelors Degree. Female employees are more likely to hold degrees, and White students are the most common race/ethnicty group awarded degrees in (148,807 students).
The most common degree types awarded to students graduating in Registered Nursing are Bachelors Degree, Associates Degree, and Masters Degree.
This chart shows the granted degrees by sex at the 5 institutions that graduate the most students in Registered Nursing.
This chart shows the number of degrees awarded in Registered Nursing for each race & ethnicity. White students earned the largest share of the degrees with this major.
This chart illustrates the differences by sex for each race & ethnicity of N/A recipients in Registered Nursing.
N/A students, who earn most of the degrees in this field, are the most common combination of race/ethnicity and sex.
Data on the critical and distinctive skills necessary for those working in the Registered Nursing field from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Registered Nursing majors need many skills, but most especially Social Perceptiveness. The revealed comparative advantage (RCA) shows that Registered Nursing majors need more than the average amount of Negotiation, Social Perceptiveness, and Persuasion.
These two visualizations, one a radial chart and one a bar chart, show the same information, a rating of how necessary the following skills are for Registered Nursing majors. Toggle between "value" and "RCA" to see the absolute rating of that skill (value) and the revealed comparative advantage (RCA), or how much greater or lesser that skill's rating is than the average. The longer the bar or the closer the line comes to the circumference of the circle, the more important that skill is. The importance of Negotiation is very distinctive for majors, but the Social Perceptiveness, Active Listening, and Reading Comprehension are the three most important skills for people in the field.