ITT Technical Institute-Akron is a higher education institution located in Summit County, OH. In 2015, the most popular Associates Degree concentrations at ITT Technical Institute-Akron were System, Networking, & LAN/WAN Management (35 degrees awarded), Registered Nursing (17 degrees), and General Drafting & Design Technology (14 degrees).
In 2015, 73 degrees were awarded across all undergraduate and graduate programs at ITT Technical Institute-Akron. 32.9% of these degrees were awarded to women, and 67.1% awarded men. The most common race/ethnicity group of degree recipients was white (49 degrees), 2.58 times more than then the next closest race/ethnicity group, black or african american (19 degrees).
The median undergraduate tuition at ITT Technical Institute-Akron is $17,748, which is $5,784 more than the national average for Baccalaureate/Associates Colleges ($11,964).