Cox College is a higher education institution located in Greene County, MO. In 2022, the most popular Bachelors Degree concentrations at Cox College were Registered Nursing (131 degrees awarded) and Other Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, & Treatment Professions (13 degrees).
In 2022, 350 degrees were awarded across all undergraduate and graduate programs at Cox College. 82.3% of these degrees were awarded to women, and 17.7% awarded men. The most common race/ethnicity group of degree recipients was white (293 degrees), 26.6 times more than then the next closest race/ethnicity group, two or more races (11 degrees).
The median undergraduate tuition at Cox College is $10,646, which is $−4,295 less than the national average for Special Focus Institutions ($14,942).
In 2020 the default rate for borrower's at Cox College was 0%, corresponding to 0 out of the 358 total borrowers.