Central Piedmont Community College

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2022 Graduation Rate
320 Graduates


Central Piedmont Community College is a higher education institution located in Mecklenburg County, NC. In 2022, the most popular Associates Degree concentrations at Central Piedmont Community College were Liberal Arts & Sciences (1,485 degrees awarded), Registered Nursing (102 degrees), and General Business Administration & Management (80 degrees).


The most common Associates Degree concentration at Central Piedmont Community College is Liberal Arts & Sciences (1,485 degrees awarded), followed by Registered Nursing (102 degrees) and General Business Administration & Management (80 degrees).

In 2022,  the most specialized majors across all degree types at Central Piedmont Community College, meaning they have significantly more degrees awarded in that concentration than the national average across all institutions, are Science Technologies (34 degrees awarded), Precision Production (159 degrees), and Liberal Arts & Humanities (1,485 degrees).

Common Jobs by Major

Most Common Job

The most common jobs for people who hold a degree in one of the 5 most specialized majors at Central Piedmont Community College are Other managers (60,171 people), Elementary & middle school teachers (59,753 people), Construction managers (45,289 people), Software developers (35,617 people), and Chief executives & legislators (21,452 people).

The most specialized majors at Central Piedmont Community College in 2022 are Science Technologies (34 degrees awarded), Precision Production (159 degrees), Liberal Arts & Humanities (1,485 degrees), Construction (105 degrees), and Mechanical Technologies (186 degrees) (as of 2022).

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Highest Paying Jobs by Major

Highest Paying Job

The highest paying jobs for people who hold a degree in one of the 5 most specialized majors at Central Piedmont Community College are Surgeons, Cardiovascular technologists and technicians, Skincare specialists, Broadcast announcers and radio disc jockeys, and Physicians

The most specialized majors at Central Piedmont Community College are Science Technologies (34 degrees awarded), Precision Production (159 degrees), Liberal Arts & Humanities (1,485 degrees), Construction (105 degrees), and Mechanical Technologies (186 degrees) (as of 2022).

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Common Industries by Major

Most Common Industry

The most common industries for people who hold a degree in one of the 5 most specialized majors at Central Piedmont Community College are Elementary & secondary schools (116,458 people), Construction (111,043 people), Computer Systems Design (57,715 people), Colleges, universities & professional schools, including junior colleges (42,360 people), and General medical and surgical hospitals, and specialty (except psychiatric and substance abuse) hospitals (36,472 people).

The most specialized majors at Central Piedmont Community College are Science Technologies (34 degrees awarded), Precision Production (159 degrees), Liberal Arts & Humanities (1,485 degrees), Construction (105 degrees), and Mechanical Technologies (186 degrees) (as of 2022).

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Instructional Salaries

Instructional Salaries
Number of Employees

In 2022, Central Piedmont Community College paid a total of $20.7M to 334 employees working as instructors, which represents 26.2% of all salaries paid.

This is compared to a median of $5.35M (31.8%) for similar Associates Colleges.

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