Angelina College

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In 2022,  the most specialized majors across all degree types at Angelina College, meaning they have significantly more degrees awarded in that concentration than the national average across all institutions, are Precision Production (54 degrees awarded), Human Sciences (45 degrees), and Engineering Technologies (63 degrees).

Common Jobs by Major

Most Common Job

The most common jobs for people who hold a degree in one of the 5 most specialized majors at Angelina College are N/A.

The most specialized majors at Angelina College in 2022 are Precision Production (54 degrees awarded), Human Sciences (45 degrees), Engineering Technologies (63 degrees), Liberal Arts & Humanities (343 degrees), and Protective Services (48 degrees) (as of 2022).

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Highest Paying Jobs by Major

Highest Paying Job

The highest paying jobs for people who hold a degree in one of the 5 most specialized majors at Angelina College are Surgeons, Diagnostic medical sonographers, Podiatrists, Cardiovascular technologists and technicians, and Media and communication workers, all other

The most specialized majors at Angelina College are Precision Production (54 degrees awarded), Human Sciences (45 degrees), Engineering Technologies (63 degrees), Liberal Arts & Humanities (343 degrees), and Protective Services (48 degrees) (as of 2022).

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Common Industries by Major

Most Common Industry

The most common industries for people who hold a degree in one of the 5 most specialized majors at Angelina College are Elementary & secondary schools (5,586,329 people), General medical and surgical hospitals, and specialty (except psychiatric and substance abuse) hospitals (3,275,256 people), Colleges, universities & professional schools, including junior colleges (2,452,532 people), Computer Systems Design (2,343,824 people), and Construction (1,303,670 people).

The most specialized majors at Angelina College are Precision Production (54 degrees awarded), Human Sciences (45 degrees), Engineering Technologies (63 degrees), Liberal Arts & Humanities (343 degrees), and Protective Services (48 degrees) (as of 2022).

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