Amarillo College (222576)
The average yearly cost of room and board at Amarillo College (222576) was of $6,971 in 2022. The cost of room and board increased by 0.476% between 2021 and 2022.
This chart compares the average student costs at Amarillo College (222576) (in red) with that of similar universities.
Amarillo College (222576) had a total enrollment of N/A students in N/A. The full-time enrollment at Amarillo College (222576) is N/A students and the part-time enrollment is N/A. This means that N/A% of students enrolled at Amarillo College (222576) are enrolled full-time.
Retention rate measures the number of first-time students who began their studies the previous fall and returned to school the following fall. The retention rate for full-time undergraduates at Amarillo College (222576) was 66%.
This chart shows the retention rate over time at Amarillo College (222576) (highlighted in red) compares to similar universities.
The most common jobs for people who hold a degree in one of the 5 most specialized majors at Amarillo College (222576) are Elementary & middle school teachers (94,744 people), Other managers (69,435 people), Software developers (38,148 people), Aircraft pilots & flight engineers (35,264 people), and Education administrators (27,519 people).
The highest paying jobs for people who hold a degree in one of the 5 most specialized majors at Amarillo College (222576) are Surgeons, Cardiovascular technologists and technicians, Physicians, Skincare specialists, and Broadcast announcers and radio disc jockeys
The most common industries for people who hold a degree in one of the 5 most specialized majors at Amarillo College (222576) are Elementary & secondary schools (192,020 people), Computer Systems Design (66,031 people), Colleges, universities & professional schools, including junior colleges (58,858 people), General medical and surgical hospitals, and specialty (except psychiatric and substance abuse) hospitals (50,704 people), and Construction (47,119 people).
In 2022, 15% of students graduating from Amarillo College (222576) completed their program within 100% "normal time" (i.e. 4 years for a 4-year degree). Comparatively, 28% completed their degrees within 150% of the normal time, and 35% within 200%.
The following chart shows these completion rates over time compared to the average for the N/A Carnegie Classification group.
Graduation rate is defined as the percentage of full-time, first-time students who received a degree or award within a specific percentage of "normal time" to completion for their program.
The student demographic with the highest graduation rate in 2022 at Amarillo College (222576) is Male and Asian (41.7% graduation rate). Across all N/A, Asian Female students have the highest graduation rate (73.2%).
The department of education defines graduation rate as the percentage of full-time, first-time students who received a degree or award within 150% of "normal time" to completion.
In 2022, Amarillo College (222576) paid a total of $9.1M to 147 employees working as instructors, which represents 22% of all salaries paid.