Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical Schools

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Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical Schools is a higher education institution located in Franklin County, OH. In 2022, the most popular 1 to 2 Year Postsecondary Certificate concentrations at Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical Schools were HVAC Maintenance (15 degrees awarded), Dental Assisting (8 degrees), and Medical Assistant (6 degrees).


The most common 1 to 2 Year Postsecondary Certificate concentration at Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical Schools is HVAC Maintenance (15 degrees awarded), followed by Dental Assisting (8 degrees) and Medical Assistant (6 degrees).

In 2022,  the most specialized majors across all degree types at Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical Schools, meaning they have significantly more degrees awarded in that concentration than the national average across all institutions, are Protective Services (39 degrees awarded), Precision Production (15 degrees), and Mechanical Technologies (15 degrees).

Common Jobs by Major

Most Common Job

The most common jobs for people who hold a degree in one of the 5 most specialized majors at Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical Schools are Registered nurses (1,404,472 people), Medical & health services managers (157,361 people), Nurse practitioners & nurse midwives (141,284 people), Pharmacists (135,082 people), and Police officers (132,948 people).

The most specialized majors at Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical Schools in 2022 are Protective Services (39 degrees awarded), Precision Production (15 degrees), Mechanical Technologies (15 degrees), and Health (14 degrees) (as of 2022).

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Highest Paying Jobs by Major

Highest Paying Job

The highest paying jobs for people who hold a degree in one of the 5 most specialized majors at Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical Schools are Surgeons, Physicians, Photographic process workers & processing machine operators, Podiatrists, and Nurse anesthetists

The most specialized majors at Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical Schools are Protective Services (39 degrees awarded), Precision Production (15 degrees), Mechanical Technologies (15 degrees), and Health (14 degrees) (as of 2022).

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Common Industries by Major

The most common industries for people who hold a degree in one of the 5 most specialized majors at Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical Schools are General medical and surgical hospitals, and specialty (except psychiatric and substance abuse) hospitals (1,509,417 people), Justice, public order, & safety activities (328,693 people), Elementary & secondary schools (273,035 people), Outpatient care centers (250,842 people), and Offices of physicians (206,620 people).

The most specialized majors at Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical Schools are Protective Services (39 degrees awarded), Precision Production (15 degrees), Mechanical Technologies (15 degrees), and Health (14 degrees) (as of 2022).

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