Computer systems analysts (Legacy) are most often employed by the Computer Systems Design industry. The average yearly wage for Computer systems analysts (Legacy) was $84,258 in 2017.
The locations that employ the most Computer systems analysts (Legacy) are Hudson County (Central)--Jersey City (North) PUMA, NJ, Fairfax County (Northwest)--Reston (North) & Franklin Farm PUMA, VA, and Chicago City (North)--Lake View & Lincoln Park PUMA, IL. The locations with a relatively high concentration of Computer systems analysts (Legacy) are Hudson County (Central)--Jersey City (North) PUMA, NJ, Loudoun County (East Central)--Ashburn (Southwest/Belmont Ridge) & Dulles Airport PUMA, VA, and Fairfax County (North Central)--Vienna Town, Oakton & Fair Oaks (East) PUMA, VA.